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Naive Export

A basic mod write call is pretty straightforward:

SkyrimMod mod = ...;


Master Export Preferences Not Provided

This is often not desired default behavior, depending on the master content.

Typical Export

The recommended call for exporting a mod passes the load order to sort with as input:

SkyrimMod mod = ...;

    new BinaryWriteParameters()
        MastersListOrdering = new MastersListOrderingByLoadOrder(loadOrder)

This extra information helps keep the masters in proper order, as the load order information is provided for the write call to use

No Master Changes

Sometimes you have adjusted the masters yourself, or perhaps are just re-exporting a mod with no changes, and know the masters list is proper.

In this case, you can override the default behavior to leave the masters alone:

SkyrimMod mod = ...;

    new BinaryWriteParameters()
        MastersListOrdering = new MastersListOrderingEnumOption()
            Option = MastersListOrderingOption.NoCheck
        MastersListContent = MastersListContentOption.NoCheck
This instructs it to neither replace the content, nor reorder the masters.