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This area discusses the typical patterns for using Spriggit in your workflow.

An Individual Modder

  • Create a Git Repository to hold your mod
  • Create a Bethesda plugin with existing normal tools of choice
  • Use Spriggit to convert the .esp/m/l files from your Bethesda workspace, to .yaml or .json files inside your Git Repository
  • Make commits in Git.
    "Added all the bandit Npc definitions" "Fixed the Powerblade damage to be more reasonable"
  • Upload your mod, in its text format, up to Github (or your host of preference)

Many Collaborators

Other modders, whether on your team or just helpful people out in the world can help collaborate and participate in your mod's development.

  • They can clone the mod via Git to their computers
  • Use Spriggit to convert from the .yaml or .json files to a Bethesda plugin
  • Open the Bethesda plugin with the game, or other tools
  • Modify the mod and help work on something
  • Use Spriggit to convert back to text format
  • Make commits in Git
  • Upload their improvements to Github
  • Initiate a Pull Request to ask that you consider their changes
  • You can discuss with them about further changes, or merge their improvements into your mod